Conference on Rumi and Sultan Bahoo held

By Rehan Khan
ISLAMABAD, May 15 (APP):Muslim Institute on Wednesday organized a national conference ‘Mevlana Rumi and Sultan Bahoo: Preachers of Human Friendship, Peace, Love and Harmony’ celebrating the profound legacies of two great sufis and their enduring relevance in contemporary times.
The conference commenced with great fervour at the National Language Promotion Department (National Language Authority) here. Dignitaries, scholars, and intellectuals from various walks of life graced the event, adding their invaluable insights to the discourse on Sufism and its pivotal role in shaping societal norms and values.
Distinguished speakers include Prof Dr Muhammad Saleem Mazhar, Director General, National Language Promotion Department, Chairman MUSLIM Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali, Anssi Kullberg, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Finland, Islamabad, Professor Niaz Ahmad Akhtar, Vice-Chancellor of Quaid-e-Azam University, Senator Mushaid Hussain Sayed, Dr Khalil Toqar, Country Director, Yunus Emre Institute, Islamabad.
Speakers eloquently stated, “In a world grappling with dichotomies, the luminance of these Sufi luminaries serves as beacons, illuminating paths towards collective understanding and harmony.” They further emphasized the contemporary relevance of Mevlana Rumi and Sultan Bahoo’s teachings, asserting, “In today’s complex world, the essence of Sufism is indispensable. Respect for differing opinions, ethical conduct, and human dignity transcends superficialities like attire and beliefs.”
Speakers highlighted the imperative for Sufi-inspired compassion and solidarity in conflict-ridden regions, stressing, “Amidst the tumult of conflicts from Gaza to Kashmir, it is incumbent upon us to imbibe the spirit of Sufism, fostering a culture of love and brotherhood.